
Green economy

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  • Which Sustainable Development Goal aims to provide people with safe drinking water?
    Goal #6: Clean water and Sanitation
  • Does the United Nations want peace or power over the world's population?
  • __________ is having less than US$2.15 a day to live on.
    extreme poverty
  • True or False: Recycling and reusing bottles is resource efficient?
  • True or false: Sustainable Development doesn't damage the environment or use up all of our natual resources.
  • True or false: We can end poverty only by giving people money.
    False- governments must help people access basic needs.
  • Which Sustainable Development Goal aims to protect plants and animals?
    Goal #15: Life On Land
  • Responsible production means making things in a way that does not __________ the environment and uses the ____________ quantity of resources possible.
    damage / smallest
  • Does the United Nation want to protect or pollute the planet?
  • Which Sustainable Development Goal aims to protect fish and coral reefs?
    Goal #14: Life Below Water
  • How many Sustainable Development Goals has the United Nations set?
  • Unscramble the word: htrecalhea
  • __________is when a person has got less than 60% of the average household income.
  • Can you recycle this?
    yes - glass
  • Which recycling bin does this go in?
  • The world has got many problems, and the United Nations wants governments to work together to find ____________________.
  • Unscramble the sentence: to poverty. reduce Nations The United wants
    The United Nations wants to reduce poverty.
  • Unscramble the sentence: most the has India got people poverty. extreme living in
    India has got the most people living in extreme poverty.
  • Which Sustainable Development Goal aims to end poverty?
    Goal #1: No Poverty
  • Can you recycle this in the "plastic" bin?
    no- take to a special drop off bin
  • Who does fairtrade help?
  • What is cleaner, burning wood or biogas?
  • Unscramble the word: gaprenecet
  • What is the name of the organisation that fights poverty?