
C1.1 FL. Procedures

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  • Be extreme attentive not to step on a snake.
    Be extremely attentive not to step on a snake.
  • Don’t turn your back on the lion, whichever you do!
    Don’t turn your back on the lion, whatever you do!
  • Avoid to make wild animals angry.
    Avoid making wild animals angry.
  • The better way to survive is be prepared.
    The best way to survive is to be prepared.
  • One common mistake is walk off the trail.
    One common mistake is to walk off the trail.
  • The next step is to contact the emergency services.
  • Make sure you always know where the nearest settlement is.
  • Make sure to take your backpack.
    Make sure you take your backpack.
  • Without boil water, it’s dangerous to drink it.
    Without boiling water, it’s dangerous to drink it.
  • This task might be a bit challenged at first.
    This task might be a bit challenging at first.
  • It's prettily straightforward: don't leave the trash in the woods.
    It's pretty straightforward: don't leave the trash in the woods