
Logical Riddles

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  • T R H A E - Two words that you can make from these letters?
    Earth, Heart
  • What can you taste everyday but never eat?
  • It occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in an hour.
    Letter M
  • How many Easter eggs can you put into an empty basket?
    Only one, because after that the basket is no longer empty
  • There are 2 cops parked along a one-way street looking for traffic violations. They spot a taxi driver going in the wrong direction, yet they do nothing. Why?
    The taxi driver wasn't driving at the time, he was walking.
  • Which footballer's name sounds like an English word which describes this?
    Messi (messy)
  • What is orange with a green top and sounds like a parrot?
  • What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing?
    Elephant's shadow
  • What can fill a room but takes up no space?
    Air, darkness, light
  • I am your father, but you are not my son. Who are you to me?
    My daughter
  • When does Friday come before Thursday?
    In a dictionary
  • The more you take away, the bigger it gets. What is it?
  • What is the hardest part about skydiving?
  • What can you break without hitting or dropping it?
    Promise, heart
  • What has six legs, two heads, four ears, and two hands, but walks on four feet?
    A horse and rider
  • You buy me to eat, but you never eat me. What am I?
    Fork, spoon