
CS 30 Unit 3 CHURCH

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  • What does the word "catholic" mean?
  • Name the 4 marks of the Church
    one, holy, catholic, and apostolic
  • explain why it is not easy to live out a Beatitude lifestyle
    answers will vary
  • this beatitude means to be hurt for doing God's will
    persecuted for righteousness' sake
  • this MODEL OF CHURCH means we are called to share the Good News through words and actions
    body of Christ
  • when discerning God's will, THIS follows you data collection and your actions
  • this spiritual pathway prefers orderly forms of worship and focuses on the pursuit of truth
    path of intellect
  • what is the difference between a Diocesan priest and a religious priest
    Diocesan serves in a parish, religious serve in other areas like prisons, army, or with consecrated reigious brothers
  • THIS SACRAMENT OF INITIATION gives us the grace to be able to say YES to whatever call from God we hear in the future
  • what does it mean to be the "body of Christ?"
    Christ has no body on earth, so we are called to be his hands, feet, mouth, legs, etc.
  • the word church comes from the Hebrew word "qahal" meaning what?
    "called community"
  • this spiritual pathway is preoccupied with order and immersion into Scripture to make it relevant to today
    path of asceticism
  • Why should we learn about the saints?
    They lived lives of holiness that is worthy of imitation!
  • this beatitude means to be kind and gentle
    blessed are the meek
  • this spiritual pathway is free, unconfined, and flexible
    path of service
  • THESE lay the foundation for our Christian life
    the 7 sacraments, especially the 3 sacraments of initiation
  • name 2 benefits of personal prayer/faith and 2 benefits of communal prayer/faith
    answers will vary
  • why is a Catholic marriage different from a civil marriage?
    because it is a lifelong SACRAMENT
  • this beatitude means to solve problems without violence
    blessed are the peacemakers
  • this word means "blessing" or "happiness"
  • THIS SACRAMENT OF INITIATION strengthens us in faith and deepens the grace we receive at Baptism
  • The Church is like THIS with God as the Father and the believers as brothers and sisters
  • this beatitude means to desire justice
    blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness
  • how is faith like developing an athletic talent?
    it takes time, practice, focus, attention, and hard work. It is both personal and communal.
  • THIS SACRAMENT OF INITIATION we are officially becomes members of the Church
  • What is the ONE HOPE we believe in?
    Eternal life in heaven
  • THIS word is a call from God to all members of the Church to embrace a life of holiness, especially through one of the 4 states of life
  • this beatitude means to be forgiving always in all ways
    blessed are the merciful
  • "We are temples of the Holy Spirit" means what?
    God dwells within us
  • name the 3 sacraments of inititation
    baptism, eucharist, and confirmation
  • this beatitude means to be sad because others are sad, empathy and compassion
    blessed are those who mourn
  • name the 4 states of life
    marriage, consecrated religious, single, ordained (deacon, priest, bishop)
  • why "isn't marriage for you?"
    it is for your spouse - you should be giving yourself completely in service and love to your spouse
  • what is faith
    it is our response to our belief in God's revelation
  • where does true happiness come from?
    living out the universal call to holiness by living out the 8 B's
  • a vocation is a call from God, but what does it require from us?
    an answer
  • The church is NOT just a building, it is also THIS
    a mystical communion with Christ and one another
  • Why is the Church HOLY?
    because God is holy
  • what is an annulment
    NOT Catholic divorce, it is a process to claim that a marriage was never valid from the starting point. Because of ignorance, inability, or insincerity
  • define the Christian virtue of charity
    to love God and love your neighbour
  • THIS SACRAMENT OF INITIATION we experience a RADICAL union with Christ
  • this MODEL OF CHURCH means that we act like a family and fulfill roles and responsibilties
    body of Christ
  • this spiritual pathway focuses on creativity and personal relationship with God
    path of devotion
  • this beatitude means to do good and expect nothing in return
    pure in heart
  • name 1 lesson you learned from FATHER STU
    answers will vary
  • this MODEL OF CHRIST means the organizational structure of the Church that ensures that Traditions and Laws are upheld and never change
    Body of Christ
  • this MODEL OF CHURCH means we are called to serve God and others, especially the poor and vulnerablwe
  • the process of making informed decisions about life, faith, career, etc. by spending time with God in prayer and reflection.
  • what is the difference between contemplative religious life and active?
    active is out and about in the community (sisters/brothers) contemplative remain in the convent or monastery (nun/monk)
  • this words means to be set apart or devoted to a holy purpose
  • what 3 vows do consecrated religious people take?
    poverty, chastity, and obedience
  • The church is one because we believe in ONE _____ (list as many as you can)
    one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one Body, one Spirit, one Hope
  • why is the church Apostolic
    because it is built upon the message the Apostles passed down
  • what 3 vows do spouses profess during the wedding service?
    faithful, fruitful, and permenant
  • this beatitude means we admit we need God. We humble ourselves and put him first
    poor in spirit
  • explain the costs of living a Beatitude life
    money, time, energy, effort
  • this MODEL OF CHURCH is the visible and tangible signs of God's grace. We can participate in these 7 to receive God's grace
    Body of Christ
  • THIS is everyone's number 1 vocation
    the universal call to holiness
  • The action of being immersed in water in Baptism, reminds us of what?
    Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection