
Living Environment Vocabulary

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  • Cytoplasm and its function
    the liquid the fills the cell
  • Mitochondria
    the powerhouse of the cell, where energy is made, site of cellular respiration
  • what are ribosomes and their function
    located on the ER or in cytoplasm, where proteins are made
  • What is the organization of living things from smallest to largest
    cells--> tissues--> organs--> organ systems--> organism
  • What is passive transport and diffusion
    molecules going from areas of high concentration to low concentration (NO ENERGY)
  • what is the excretory system
    removes waste from the blood and body
  • What are the vacuoles and their function
    organelles, store wast and water
  • What does the digestive system do
    breaks down food for nutrients
  • What is the formula for cellular respiration
    glucose + oxygen --> Carbon dioxide + water + Energy (ATP)
  • What does the nervous system do
    Fast, controls all the functioning in our body
  • what is respiration
  • What is an organism and use it in a sentence
    an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
  • what is selective permeability and which organelle is responsible for it
    the cell membrane only allows certain molecules to enter or exit the cell.
  • what is the formula for photosynthesis
    sun's energy + Carbon Dioxide + water--> Glucose +water + oxygen
  • What is the cell membrane and its function
    outter part of the cell, separates the contents from the cell and the outside environment, and controls the transport of materials inside and out of the cell
  • what does the respiratory system do
    breathing, exchanges carbon dioxide and oxygen
  • What is a carnivore
    an organism that eats mostly meat
  • organic molecules
    contain skeletal structures of carbon with hydrogen and oxygen
  • what is cellular communication
    recognizes and responds to chemical signals by using receptor molecules
  • What is active transport
    molecules move from low to high concentration (NEED ENERGY ATP)
  • What is homeostasis?
    The ability of an organism to maintain a stable internal balanced environment.
  • What does the endocrine system do
    controls all the functionings of the body systems through the release of hormones
  • what does the circulatory system do
    carries gases and nutrients throughout the body
  • what is a decomposer
    An organism, often a bacterium, fungus, or invertebrate that feeds on and breaks down dead plant or animal matter, making organic nutrients available to the eco
  • ecosystem
    a biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.
  • What is chloroplast
    only in plant cells, where photosynthesis occurs
  • What is a herbivore
    organism that mostly feeds on plants
  • What is the nucleus and its function
    the control center of the brain, contains DNA
  • what are organelles
    the smallest parts that make up a cell
  • metabolism
    the sum of all the chemical reactions that occur within the cells of an organism