
GG4, 7.2-7.3

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  • Эта песня была написана известным композитором
    This song was composed by a famous artist
  • Машина производятся на фабриках
    Cars are produced by factories
  • Новые планеты открываются астрономами
    New planets are discovered by astronomers
  • Моя одежда сделана из хлопка
    My clothes are made of cotton
  • Картину не продали за больше деньги, потому что это была подделка
    The picture wasn't sold for a lot of money because it was a cheap copy!
  • Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet. - Past Simple Passive
    Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare
  • Кем была нарисована Мона Лиза?
    Who was Mona Lisa painted by?
  • Здания проектируются архитекторами
    Buildings are designed by architects
  • They lost the gold necklace. - Past Simple Passive
    The gold necklace was lost
  • Новые технологии изобретены учеными
    New technologies are invented by scientists
  • These bags (not/sell) in the shops - Present Simple Passive
    aren't sold
  • Где были найдены скоровища?
    Where were the treasures found?
  • How (glass/make)? - Present Simple Passive
    How is glass made?
  • Ожерелье было сделано и продано французской фабрикой
    The necklace was made and sold by a French factory
  • What (baby elephants/call)?
    What are baby elephants called?
  • Эйфелева башня была закончена в 1889 году
    The Eiffel Tower was finished in 1889
  • A famous architect designed these buildings. - Past Simple Passive
    These buildings were designed by famous architect
  • Эта ваза была сделана 700 лет назад
    That vase was made 700 years ago