
Reaching for the Sky

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  • Each team says 1 sentence to prove that Irving has a strong character.
    1. "Irving was determined to fly"; 2. "To reach his dream, he worked different jobs."; 3. "At home, he practiced his flying skills on a video game."; etc.
  • What challenges did Irving face in building his own plane?
    He asked more than 50 companies for airplane parts. Most companies said no.
  • What did Irving do to save money for flight school?
    He worked different jobs.
  • What was the amazing feat that Barrington Irving achieved in 2007?
    He became the youngest person to fly solo around the world.
  • How did Irving become interested in flying?
    Robinson, a professional pilot, took him to an airport. He showed Irving inside the cockpit of a Boeing 777.
  • What did Irving plan to do after flight school?
    He planned to build his own plane and fly solo around the world.
  • How many kms was Irving’s round-the-world trip? How many countries did it take him to?
    43,000 km. 13 countries.
  • How long did it take Irving to build his own plane?
    3 years
  • What advice did Irving share about pursuing our dreams?
    "But even if no one believes in your dream, you have to pursue it."
  • How did Irving help young people with dreams in science and aviation?
    He started a program called "Experience Aviation"
  • What was Irving doing when he was 15?
    Irving was working in his parents' bookstore in Miami, Florida.
  • How long did his round-the-world trip take?
    97 days with 145 hours in the air