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  • Where do you go to get your suitcase when you arrive?
    Baggage Reclaim
  • Where do you go if you're leaving on an aeroplane?
  • Where do you have to go before you leave or arrive in a country?
    Passport control
  • Where do you take your luggage before you fly?
    Bag Drop
  • The airport is separated into different areas, by airline. What are these areas called?
  • Before you get on the aeroplane you have to have your luggage X-rayed at ...?
    the security check
  • How do you go upstairs without using the escalators or the stairs?
    Use the lift
  • Where do meet someone who is coming off an aeroplane?
  • If your suitcases are too heavy to carry what can you use to move them around an airport?
    a trolley
  • Where do you have to hand in fruit and plants before you go into a country?
  • What do you have to do before you fly?
    Check in
  • Where do you get on an aeroplane at the airport?