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  • Number keys
    It is used to type numbers
  • Which key will you use to type your friend's name
    Alphabet keys
  • Enter key
    It is used to type in the next line
  • !
    exclamation, exclamation mark, bang
  • Capslock key
    It is used to type in capital letters
  • *
  • [ ]
    brackets, square brackets
  • +
    addition, plus sign
  • Which key will you use to erase your mistake?
    back space key or delete key
  • What is the shortcut key for REFRESH the active window?
  • ,
  • \
    backslash, backward slash
  • What is the shortcut key of SWITCH between open apps?
    Alt + Tab
  • ( )
    parentheses, brackets, round brackets
  • _
  • hyphen, minus, minus sign, dash
  • #
    pound, pound sign, hash, hashtag, number sign
  • What is the shortcut key of CUT the selected item?
    Ctrl + X
  • What is the shortcut key to LOCK your PC?
    Windows Logo Key + L
  • ?
    question mark
  • Space bar key
    It is use to give space between letters or number
  • .
    full stop, period, point, dot
  • What is the shortcut key of COPY the selected item?
    Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert key
  • ;
  • &
    and, ampersand
  • What is the shortcut key of PASTE the selected item?
    Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert key
  • %
    percent, percent sign
  • :
  • /
    slash, forward slash
  • What is the shortcut key of CLOSE the active item, or exit the active app?
    Alt + F4
  • =
    equals, equal sign
  • @
    at, at sign, at symbol
  • What is the shortcut key of UNDO an action?
    Ctrl + Z