
Nature's Balance - When The Wolves Return

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  • What year did Yellowstone become the world’s first national park?
  • What was the effect to the proghorns numbers when the coyotes were the top predator in yellowstone?
    The numbers of proghorns stayed the same. .
    The numbers of proghorns increased.
    The numbers of proghorns decreased.
  • What stopped young shoots and bark from growing?
    The elk ate young shoots and bark.
    The coyotes ate young shoots and bark
    The proghorns ate young shoots and bark
  • What state is Yellowstone National Park in?
    West Virginia
    Washington State
  • What is a geyser?
    A hot spring that sends jets of hot water and steam into the air.
  • When the wolves came back to the park, how did it effect the coyotes?
    Coyote numbers decreased.
    Coyote numbers stayed the same.
    Coyote numbers increased.
  • What was the effect to the elk numbers when the wolves were not eating them?
    The number of elk stayed the same.
    The number of elk increased.
    The number of elk decreased.
  • Name three predators?
    lion - tiger - bear - crocodile
  • What do beavers use to cut down trees?
    their feet
    their teeth
    their hands
    a saw
  • In 1995 something happened to bring back natures balance, what was it?
    They brought beavers back to the park
    They brought wolves back to the park
    They hunted all the elk.
  • What country is Yellowstone National Park in?
  • What was the effect to the coyote numbers when the wolves were not eating them?
    The number of coyotes increased.
    The number of coyotes stayed the same.
    The number of coyotes decreased.
  • What do you call a group of wolves?
    A pack of wolves.
  • What is this person's job?
    Park ranger
  • When the wolves came back to the park, how did it effect the elk?
    Elk numbers decreased.
    Elk numbers stayed the same.
    Elk numbers increased.
  • What did the rangers do when they thought that the wolves were killing too many elk and deer?
    Asked the wolves to stop eating elk.
    Put the elk and deer in a special place away from the wolves
    Paid hunters to kill the wolves