
reported statements

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  • "I'm okay" he said
    he said he was ok
  • "I love all cats but this one is my favourite" She said
    she said she loved all cats but that one was her favourite
  • "I don't care about anything today" he told his mum
    he told his mum he didn't care about anything that day
  • "I can't go to the party" he said
    He said he couldn't go to the party
  • "I can't believe what I am hearing" She told me
    She told me that she couldn't believe what she was hearing
  • "I know what this woman has done" He said
    He said he knew what that woman had done
  • "I am really tired" she said
    she said she was really tired
  • " I love listening to music" He said
    he said he loved listening to music
  • "We are best friends" they said
    They said they were best friends
  • "I am feeling really warm" she said
    she said she was feeling really warm
  • "This concert is awesome!" she said
    She said that concert was awesome
  • "You need to be happier next week" he said
    He said I needed to be happier the following week
  • " I am listening to music now" She said
    She said she was listening to music then
  • " I have been looking at my phone for hours" he said
    he said he had been looking at his phone for hours
  • "this information blows my mind" she said
    She said that information blew her mind
  • " This morning I had a warm cup of tea" he said
    he said that morning he had had a warm cup of tea
  • "you are wrong to say this" she said
    She said I was wrong to say that
  • "I have been dancing for 3 hours" he said
    he said he had been dancing for 3 hours
  • "You have to cook this well before you eat it" he said
    he said I had to cook that well before I ate it
  • "I am in a bad mood this morning" She said
    she said she was in a bad mood that morning
  • "I don't believe what you say" He said
    He said he didn't believe what I said