
3 ESO Mod 6 Vocab

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  • Tune
    a melody or song
  • fitness centre
    A place with equipment and space for doing exercises and staying fit.
  • costume designer
    A person who creates or chooses the clothes for the actors in a play, movie, or TV show.
  • The process or result of capturing sounds or performance on a CD or digital file.
  • The process of making a movie.
  • net
    A piece of material made of string or rope that is used in sports like tennis, volleyball, or soccer to separate the teams or catch the ball.
  • The main female character in a story, often brave and good.
  • An object used by actors in a play, movie, or TV show.
  • coach
    A person who trains and teaches athletes or a sports team
  • A long, rounded piece of wood or metal used in sports to hit a ball.
  • score
    To get points in a game or competition.
  • A person who watches swimmers to keep them safe and help them if they have trouble.
  • Stage
    The raised area in a theater where actors perform.
  • The script for a movie, including dialogue and instructions for actors and crew.
  • To come in first place in a race or competition
    finish first
  • scene
    A part of a play, movie, or TV show where the action happens in one place.
  • goggles
    Special glasses that protect your eyes, used in swimming or other sports.
  • To save sounds or performance on a medium like a CD or digital file.
  • swimming cap
    A hat worn to keep hair dry while swimming.
  • soundtrack
    The music for a movie, play, or TV show.
  • A room where music, TV shows, or movies are recorded or filmed.
  • goalkeeper
    The player in football or hockey who tries to stop the ball from going into the goal.
  • A person or team that wins a competition.
  • To kick or throw a ball towards the goal in sports like soccer or basketball.
  • To exercise to improve strength or fitness.
    work out
  • beat
    The rhythm or regular pattern of sounds in music or a song.
  • A music performance that is happening in real-time, not recorded.
    Live concert
  • When someone acts, sings, dances, or plays music in front of people.
  • Perform
    To act, sing, dance, or play music in front of people.