
Reporting verbs

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  • Go on. Apply for the job. You will get it. Just do it, said Louisa.
    Louisa encouraged me to apply for the job.
  • I will help you with the presentation, I swear, said Lisa.
    She promised to help me with the presentation.
  • It's my fault. I forgot to turn it off, said John
    He admitted that he hadn't turn it off.
  • I haven't deleted the file, said Romeo.
    He denied having deleted the file.
  • Why don't we have a barbecue?, said Mike
    He suggested having a barbecue
  • It's easy. You need to make an appointment online, Romina said
    She explained that I needed to make an appointment online.
  • ‘Don’t forget to post that ad,’ said Minnie.
    She reminded me to post the ad
  • Don't worry the next meeting won't take place before December, 20th, Melania said
    She assured that the meeting wouldn't take place before December, 20th
  • Don't send that email. It's full of mistakes, said Lauren.
    Lauren warned me against sending the email/ She warned me not to send the email
  • Come on. We MUST come to the end-of-year party, said Lucas
    Lucas insisted on going to the end-of-year party.
  • It was your fault. You didn't send the report on time and now they didn't approve our project, said Milton.
    He blamed me for not sending the report on time
  • If I were you, I'd invest the money in bitcoins, Ronnie said
    He advised me to invest my money in bitcoins