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  • What are some things that happened at Auctions?
    Families split apart, children sold, etc.
  • On the Underground Railroad: What is a conductor?
    Someone who guides escaped enslaved people to freedom
  • Why did the US continue to compromise about slavery?
    People were against it but they didn't want to end it because the economy relied on it and they didn't want to go to war
  • A series of trails that helped guide enslaved people to freedom. Often with the help of a conductor
    The Underground Railroad
  • the overseer was
    the one in charge of the plantation
    the one in charge of the master's children
    the one in charge of the slaves
    the one in charge of the cotton
  • Why did the compromises on slavery increase tensions between the North and the South?
    Neither side was getting what they wanted and the more they argued about slavery, the angrier both sides got
  • Who really freed enslaved people?
    Themselves through running away, staying hopeful, fighting to end slavery, helping the Underground Railroad, etc.
  • Someone in charge of chasing fugitive slaves was called
    a slaver
    a slave catcher
    a slave owner
    a slavist
  • What does it mean when we say "When you know better, do better?"
    When you learn that when what you think or do is wrong, change your behavior
  • How did the North participate in and benefit from slavery?
    They used the cotton from plantations to make textiles (fabric) and got rich from selling it
  • Slave children had to go to school to learn how to read and write.
  • This formerly enslaved man escaped to freedom by teaching himself to read and write
    Frederick Douglass
  • Who freed enslaved people legally?
    Abraham Lincoln (in the Southern states only)
  • What is the impact of slavery on medicine?
    Many procedures were created by experimenting on Black Americans, Black Americans still don't receive high quality medical care, racist stereotypes exist
  • A slave could get whipped for stealing food.
  • People will say the war was fought over "States Rights". States rights to what?
  • Which Compromise added Missouri as a slave state in exchange for Maine being a free state?
    The Missouri Compromise
  • How are modern jails and prisons based on slavery?
    Inmates are not allowed to leave, can be forced to work, and prisons rent out their prisoners to farm. They were created as a way to trap free Black Americans
  • What is the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
    Compromise that gave people in the states the ability to vote on the issue of slavery
  • Why did Black Americans make good spies or Underground Railroad members?
    Racist White people thought Black people were too dumb/weak/lazy to be good spies or rebel
  • On the Underground Railroad: What is a station or stationmaster?
    A safe house and the person who runs the safe house
  • What are slave codes? Give one example of one
    Laws limiting the rights of enslaved people. Ex: no reading or writing
  • True or False: all enslaved people worked only in the field or in the home
    False, enslaved people worked in many different jobs
  • A lot of people say "house slaves" had it easier than "field slaves". Why is this wrong?
    Being in the house meant that those enslaved people were closer to the slave masters, which increased their rates of abuse
  • What is an Abolitionist?
    Someone who is trying to end slavery
  • Who was in charge of a plantation?
    the planter, the plantation owner
  • What is the main cause of the Civil War?
  • What was the Abolitionist Movement working for?
    Ending all slavery in the US
  • Why doesn't the Constitution mention slavery?
    Most of the founding fathers were slave owners
  • Why is Eenie Meanie Miney Mo tied to slavery?
    White children made up the song to joke about slave catchers capturing escaped enslaved people. It uses a racist slur in the original version.
  • How much cotton were enslaved people expected to pick per day?
    200 lbs or 10 acres worth
  • Around how many people were enslaved in the south?
    Between 3-4 million
  • Describe the economy of the North before the Civil War
    Largely focused on industry, factories, and cities.
  • What was Harriet Tubman known as?
  • True or False: The Underground Railroad was a train that ran underground
  • What is redlining?
    A racist practice where Black neighborhoods were discriminated against, and people were not allowed to leave once they lived there.
  • On the Underground Railroad: What is an Agent?
    Someone who goes into plantations to tell people to wait for the conductor
  • What is blackface?
    A racist practice where white actors paint themselves to "look Black" and mock them. Started after slavery as a way to oppress Black Americans
  • Why was Harriet Tubman known as Moses?
    She led her people out of slavery like Moses led the Jews out of slavery in Egypt
  • Name at least 4 ways enslaved Americans resisted
    Burning things down, slowing down work, pretending to be sick or disabled, running away, breaking tools, breaking fences, self harm, keeping hope
  • What is the tragic irony of the cotton gin?
    Eli Whitney was trying to end slavery but made it 10x worse
  • In the US, the crops were mainly...
    cotton and sugar
    sugar and cotton
    cotton and tobacco
    sugar and tobacco
  • On the Underground Railroad: What is a stockholder?
    Someone who helps pay for the system and supplies
  • Describe the economy of the south before the war
    Agriculture based, slavery based, rural, mostly poor whites with some rich plantation owners
  • What were the impacts of the Fugitive Slave Act?
    1. Free Black Americans were kidnapped in the North 2. It passed harsh punishments for people helping escapees 3. It forced the North to participate in slavery
  • What are some ways in which slavery still impacts the US in 2024?
    Racist stereotypes, the modern prison system is modeled on slavery, Black Americans receive worse medical care, Redlining neighborhoods promotes segregation,etc