
3 branches of the US Government

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  • Who appoints Supreme Court Justices and Cabinet Secretaries?
    The President
  • What branch is the president apart of?
  • Which branch enforces the laws?
    The Executive Branch/The President
  • Who was the 1st US President?
    George Washington(John Hanson before the Constitution under the articles of Confederation)
  • How many years is the President's term?
  • How many Supreme Court Justices are there?
  • Who can veto bills?
    The President
  • Where is the US Capital?
    Washington D.C./District of Columbia
  • How many Senators are there?
  • How many years is a Supreme Court Justice's term?
    For life
  • When was the US Constitution written?
  • Which branch determines if laws are constitutional?
    The Judicial Branch
  • How many original states/colonies were there?
  • What's the name of the US President?
    Joe Biden
  • Who makes the laws?
    Congress/Legislative branch
  • What's the name of the document that lays out the rules for our government, also known as the highest law of the land?
    The US Constitution
  • What branch is the presidents cabinet apart of?