
The Medicine Bag

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  • Grandpa's son was
    Martin's mother's uncle
    Martin's father
    Martin's mother's father
    Martin's great grandfather
  • Where does Martin’s Grandpa live?
    in the same neighborhood where Martin lives
    In a mansion in California
    In a tipi in Indiana.
    In a shack on the Rosebud Reservation
  • What tradition does Grandpa want to follow regarding the medicine bag?
    He wants to give it to Martin's mother
    He wants to bury it
    He wants to pass it down to Martin
    He wants to keep the medicine bag
  • What happens to Grandpa two weeks after giving the medicine bag to Martin?
    He goes to another visit.
    He visits his other grandson
    He travels back to the reservation
    He goes to the hospital
  • How does Grandpa explain the origin of the medicine bag?
    Through a story of a vision quest
    Trough a story of a treasure hunt
    Through a story of a war
    Through a story of a journey to a city
  • Why does Grandpa give the medicine bag to Martin?
    Because Martin's father doesn't want it
    Because Martin has been a good student
    Because Martin is his favorite
    Because Martin is the oldest male child
  • Grandpa's son didn't get the medicine bag because
    he left to war and was afraid to lose it
    he already had one
    he didn't like the bag
    the bag was too heavy.
  • What Lakota item did Grandpa give Martin?
    a pair of mocassins
    a tipi
    some sage
    a drum
  • What does Martin's mother do when she sees Grandpa?
    She shakes his hand
    She passes out
    She sings a Native American chant
    She hugs him
  • Why does Grandpa instruct Martin not to wear the medicine bag in the city?
    Because it was too old
    Because it was too old
    Because it was too ugly
    Because nobody would understand
  • How does Martin rescue Grandpa from the neighborhood dogs?
    He feeds the dogs
    He hides with Grandpa
    He chases the dogs away c) He hides w
    He calls the police
  • What objects are inside the medicine bag?
    a butte and a kettle
    a lucky rabbit's foot
    a piece of iron and a pebble
    Tylenol, alka seltzer and Pepto Bismol
  • When the friends finally meet Grandpa at Martin's home, Martin feels
  • What is the purpose of the medicine bag in Lakota tradition?
    to carry medicine for an emergency
    to guide and protect the wearer
    to keep money
    to help win a battle
  • A vision quest is
    a journey to seek spiritual guidance.
    a time for vacation and rest
    a trip around the world
    a video game
  • Why does Grandpa collapse after greeting the family?
    He is excited
    He is hungry
    He is depressed
    He is tired from the heat
  • the medicine bag is
    a tin suitcase tied with a rope
    a doctor's bag with medicine
    a dirty leather pouch he had seen around Grandpa’s neck
  • What does Martin put in the medicine bag at the end of the story?
    He puts in a new pebble
    He puts in some tobacco
    He pusts in more iron
    he puts in prarie sage
  • What does Grandpa tell Martin to do with the medicine bag
    Explain what it is to his friends.
    Give it to Cheryl
    Put a piece of prairie sage in it and pass it to his son
    Wear it around his neck
  • When Grandpa said it is time for Martin to have the medicine bag, the familiy knew
    Grandpa was leaving for a trip
    Grandpa did not want to lose the medicine bag
    Grandpa thought he was going to die
    Grandpa had to go back to the reservation
  • Why did Grandpa put money in his boots.
    He wanted to pay for his bus ticket.
    He wanted to pay for his funeral
    He wanted to have a party
    He wanted to give it to Martin
  • Grandpa is
    Martin's great grandfather
    Martin's mother, Marie's father
    Martin's grandfather
  • What was Martin's sister's name?
  • Why did Martin's friends have a wrong idea about Grandpa at the beginning of the story?
    Martin and Cheryl bragged and exaggerated about Grandpa
    They had visited Grandpa at the reservation.
    They knew Grandpa from his first visit to Martin's home.
    The had seen his pictures, dressed as an Apache warrior.
  • When Martin's friends meet Grandpa for the first time
    Grandpa is rude
    Grandpa is in bed with heat exhaustion
    Grandpa is dressed well and makes a good impression
    Granpa does not speak to them
  • By travelling to Martin's house on his own, Grandfather shows he is..
  • What does Grandpa offer to pay for with money from his boots?
  • Why does Grandpa give the medicine bag to Martin?
    Because Martin is his favorite
    Because Martin is the oldest male child
    Because Martin's father doesn't want it
    Because Martin has been a good student
  • At the beginning of the story, how are Martin and Cheryl different in their attitudes about their grandfather?
    Cheryl is not embarrassed by Grandpa.
    Cheryl is older than Martin and more mature.
    Cheryl does not like Grandpa.
  • How long does Grandpa stay with Martin's family?
    10 days
    two weeks
    Two months
    1 year
  • What does Grandpa want Martin to do with the medicine bag when he returns to the reservation?
    Bury it in the ground
    Wear it around his neck
    Wear it around his neck
    Keep it in a safe place
  • How does Martin initially feel about receiving the medicine bag?