
SGR part 1

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  • Give the 4 different historical names of Bratislava.
    Prešporok, Pressburg, Poszony, Istropolis
  • How many districts does BA SGR have? Name them all.
    8 - Bratislava I-V, Malacky, Pezinok, Senec
  • Novesta - What does the company produce and where?
    shoes, Partizánske
  • Fill in the gaps: Slovakia's biggest open-air music festival called ________ takes places annually at an airport in ________ in (town/city).
    Pohoda, Trenčín
  • Continental / Matador - What does the company produce and where?
    tires, Púchov
  • Which SGR (BA/TT/TN/ZA) does not have any lowlands and has good climate conditions for cold-resistant crops?
    ZA SGR
  • Which Slovak national institution has its headquarters in Martin?
    Matica Slovenská
  • Dunajská Streda, Považská Bystrica, Ilava, Myjava - Which of these districts is the "odd one out"? Give the SGRs as well.
    Dunajská Streda - TT SGR, the rest is TN SGR
  • Name this tourist site and give the SGR it is located in.
    Vlkolínec, ZA SGR
  • Matúš III Csák is linked to which Slovak town/city?
  • Name this tourist site and give the SGR it is located in.
    Smolenice castle, TT SGR
  • Slovakofarma / Saneca - What does the company produce and where?
    medicines, Hlohovec
  • Name 3 spa towns in TN SGR.
    Bojnice, Trenčianske Teplice, Nimnica
  • Name 3 water reservoirs in ZA SGR.
    Orava dam, Liptovská Mara, VD Žilina, Hričov
  • Name Slovakia’s largest ski centre and give the SGR where it is located.
    Jasná in ZA SGR
  • Senica, Skalica, Senec, Piešťany - Which of these districts is the "odd one out"? Give the SGRs as well.
    Senec - BA SGR, the rest is TT SGR
  • What is/was Gerulata and where is it located? Give the SGR.
    It was a Roman military camp located near today's Rusovce area. It is a proof that Roman tribes were once present in BA SGR.
  • Which city/town first received the privileges of a free royal town?
  • Figaro - What does the company produce and where?
    chocolate products, Bratislava/Trnava
  • Lesser Fatra, Greater Fatra, Low Tatras and Tatras - in which SGR can we find all of these physical features? BA/TT/TN/ZA/none
    ZA SGR
  • Name 3 spas in ZA SGR.
    Rajecké Teplice, Turčianske Teplice, Lúčky (+ Bešeňová, Tatralandia)
  • Which SGR is the largest by area? BA/TT/TN/ZA SGR
    ZA SGR
  • Fill in the gaps - ________ is the largest river island in Europe and the largest drinking water reservoir in Central Europe. It is located in ________ SGR.
    Žitný ostrov in BA/TT SGR
  • What is "Vážska kaskáda"?
    A system of 22 dams and hydro power plants on river Váh.
  • Jaslovské Bohunice - What is it and where is it? (give the SGR)
    a nuclear power plant in TT SGR
  • Which PLA will possibly become a national park in the near future?
    PLA Dunajské luhy
  • Grafobal - What does the company produce and where?
    packaging, Skalica
  • Name this tourist site and give the SGR it is located in.
    Čičmany, ZA SGR
  • Name the important natural point and the landmark under which it is located.
    the confluence of Morava and Danube under the Devín castle
  • Which SGR would you have to visit on order to experience "Dni zelá" food festival?
    BA SGR
  • Name this tourist site and give the SGR it is located in.
    Bojnice castle, TN SGR
  • Which district has the highest percentage of Hungarian inhabitants (68.7%)? Give the SGR as well.
    Dunajská Streda, TT SGR
  • Give the name of our busiest international airport and the city/town where it is located.
    M.R.Štefánik Airport, Bratislava
  • Dolný Kubín, Liptovský Mikuláš, Martin, Partizánske - Which of these districts is the "odd one out"? Give the SGRs as well.
    Partizánske - TN SGR, the rest is ZA SGR