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  • 今年暑假我打算跟朋友一起去北京学汉语。
    I plan to go to Beijing with my friends this summer to study Chinese.
  • 这条连衣裙只卖五十块,太便宜了。
    This dress is only selling for fifty yuan, it's too cheap."
  • 我午饭一般在学校吃盒饭。
    I usually have boxed lunches at school for lunch.
  • 你新买的书包跟我的一样。
    Your new backpack is the same as mine.
  • 我们学校的老师和同学都对我特别好。
    The teachers and classmates at our school are all very kind to me.
  • 我的手机和姐姐的不一样,她的比我的大。
    My phone is different from my sister's; hers is bigger than mine.
  • 爷爷奶奶晚饭总是吃中式饭菜。
    My grandparents always have Chinese-style meals for dinner.
  • 妈妈经常跟我说汉语,但是我总是跟妈妈说英语。
    My mom often speaks Chinese to me, but I always speak English to her.
  • 因为我们学校是一所新学校,所以学生还不太多。
    Because our school is new, there aren't many students yet.
  • 我家的小狗又聪明又可爱。
    My family's little dog is both smart and cute.
  • 昨天我跑步的时候下雨了。
    It rained yesterday while I was running.
  • 我放学以后经常跟朋友们一起踢足球。
    After school, I often play football with my friends.
  • 我们家一般回上海过暑假。
    We usually go back to Shanghai for summer vacation.
  • 你爸爸是什么时候去北京出差的?
    When did your dad go to Beijing on a business trip?