
Focus 4 review 5

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  • Choose the correct option: The teacher refused ____ me another chance. A to give B giving C that he should give
  • Complete the reported speech. Use the word in capitals: The boy admitted breaking the window. HE The boy admitted ____________________ the window.
    that he had broken
  • Complete the reported speech. Use the word in capitals: ‘Where do you live?’ I asked him. HE I asked him ______________________________.
    I asked him where he lived.
  • The normal w _ _ _ _ _ g hours are from 8.30 till 5.
  • We will prepare a final s _ _ _ _ l _ _ t of five candidates.
  • Choose the correct answer: She told me I should wear / if I should wear smarter clothes to job interviews.
    I should wear
  • Choose the correct option: She apologised ____ my secret. A to reveal B for revealing C that she revealed
  • Choose the correct option: Dad suggested ____ thirty minutes early just in case. A to leave B leaving C for leaving
  • The r _ _ _ _ _ t _ _ _ t process for the job is long and complex.
  • Complete the reported speech. Use the word in capitals:‘Do you have any experience in graphic design?’ they asked her. IF They asked her ______________________________ in graphic design.
    They asked her if she had any experience in graphic design.
  • Complete the reported speech. Use the word in capitals: ‘I want to go there tomorrow,’ I explained. THAT I explained ______________________________ there the following day.
    I explained that I wanted to go there the following day.
  • Choose the correct option: Mum warned us ____ there! A not going B don’t go C not to go
  • This is an exciting opportunity, and you need a great sense of a _ v _ _ t _ _ e to do the job.
  • My p _ _ m _ _ y responsibilities are dealing with enquiries and answering emails.
  • Choose the correct answer: The teacher asked me had I written / if I had written the essay myself
    if I had written
  • Choose the correct option: Sue’s parents invited me ____ over for the weekend. A staying B to stay C that I stay
  • Complete the reported speech. Use the word in capitals: ‘Don’t worry about it,’ I told him. TO I told him ______________________________ about it.
    I told him not to worry about it.
  • Complete the reported speech. Use the word in capitals: She recommended going to the Thai restaurant. WE She recommended ____________________ to the Thai restaurant.
    that we go
  • You receive money for living e _ p _ _ _ _ s as well as your salary.
  • Complete the reported speech. Use the word in capitals: She convinced me to visit her. SHOULD She convinced me that ____________________ her.
    I should visit
  • Complete the reported speech. Use the word in capitals: He claims that he is the owner of this building. TO He claims ____________________ the owner of this building.
    to be
  • Complete the reported speech. Use the word in capitals:‘I’m sorry,’ Tom says. THAT Tom says ______________________________ sorry.
    Tom says that he is sorry sorry.
  • Choose the correct answer: John told me that he didn’t go / hadn’t gone to the interview the day before.
    hadn’t gone
  • Choose the correct answer: I’ve decided that I won’t apply / wouldn’t apply for that job.
    I won’t apply
  • Complete the reported speech. Use the word in capitals: She insisted that she should wear those shoes. ON She insisted ____________________ those shoes.
    on buying
  • The e _ p _ _ _ _ r had lots of good candidates to choose from, so in the end he hired two of them.
  • We’re still negotiating the t _ _ _ s and conditions of the contract.
  • Choose the correct answer: My mum says that she hates / if she hates going to job interviews.
    that she hates