
Kid's Box 3 Unit 1-4 Revision

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  • Where is the apple?
    It's next to the book.
  • What's this number?
  • How do you spell your name?
  • must
    I must listen to the teacher.
  • Where is this?
    Swimming pool
  • What's this number?
  • How often do you go to the swimming pool? (on Saturdays)
    I go to the swimming pool on Saturday.
  • Where is this?
  • How often do you play football? (sometimes)
    I sometimes play football.
  • How often do you take a shower? (every day)
    I take a shower every day.
  • What are they doing? (c)
    They're sitting.
  • Where is this?
    Bus station
  • What are they doing? (b)
    They're talking.
  • must
    I must clean my room.
  • g
    go to bed / sleep
  • How often do you ride a bike? (never)
    I never ride a bike.
  • What's he doing? (a)
    He's playing football.
  • What's your name?
    My name is ..........
  • How often do you drink milk? (always)
    I always drink milk.
  • f
    do homework / study
  • 1
    get up
  • Where is the restaurant?
    It's opposite the supermarket.
  • 1. upstairs 2.downstairs 3.lift /elevator 4.balcony 5.stairs 6. basement
  • Where is the apple?
    It's between the boxes.
  • What's this number?
  • must
    I must do homework.
  • always - sometimes - never
    her zaman - bazen - hiç
  • Where's the girl?
    She's behind the tree.
  • Where do you live?
    I live in Istanbul.
  • What's this number?
  • How old are you?
    I'm .............. years old.
  • What's she doing? (d)
    She's playing.
  • e
    take a shower / have a shower