
Must have to

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  • Visitors to the zoo ............ feed the animals.
  • You ..............(nie możesz) use telephone in the classroom.
  • In Połchowo students .........(nie muszą) wear uniforms but in Żelistrzewo they..........(muszą)
    don't have to/ must
  • Students .............(nie muszą) stay after school if they don't want to.
    don't have to
  • In Poland you ...........(musisz) drive 50km/h in a build-up area.
    must (written rule)
  • We had a small crash but it was OK we ...........( nie musieliśmy) go to the hospital.
    didn't have to
  • Visitors to the zoo ............(nie wolno) feed the animals.
  • You ........(musisz) use the biggest key if you .........(musisz) open the balcony.
    must/ have to (must) jest też dozwolone:) zależy skąd wynika potrzeba:)
  • You .........(nie możesz) tell anyone it's a secret.
  • We................(musimy) leave now or we miss the last train.
  • I don't like these clothes but I ...........wear the at work for my safty.
  • You .............(nie musisz) drive so fast we still have a lot of time.
    don't have to
  • I don't like these clothes but I ...........(muszę) wear the at work for my safty.
  • We had a small crash but it was OK we ........... go to the hospital.
    didn't have to
  • You ............. drive so fast we still have a lot of time.
    don't have to
  • Sam didn't have money so he ............(musiał) find an ATM.
    had to (must nie występuje w przeszłości)
  • You .............(nie wolno) walk on the grass.
  • She ..................(musi) clean her room every Saturday.
    has to
  • We .......(nie możemy) be late. It's very important for me.