
Adjectives to describe cities?

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  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Las Vegas?
    Artificial, fun
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Rome?
    Historic, beautiful
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Venice?
    Beautiful, unique
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe San Sebastian?
    Beautiful, relaxing
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Barcelona?
    Beautiful, touristy
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Tokyo?
    Busy, hectic
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Reykjavik?
    Cold, small
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Paris?
    Crowded, beautiful
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Mumbai?
    Historic, crowded
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Rio de Janeiro?
    Beautiful, hot, exciting
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Sydney?
    Modern, hot
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe New York?
    Busy, noisy, touristy
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Quito?
    High, hot
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Dubai
    Modern, hot
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Havana?
    Beautiful, touristy
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Cape Town?
    Beautiful, mountainous
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe Bilbao
    Modern, arty
  • Which adjectives would you use to describe London?
    Historic, busy