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  • FROM ACTIVE TO PASSIVE: They are going to pay me my money tomorrow
    I am going to be paid my money tomorrow/My money is going to be paid tomorrow
  • FROM ACTIVE TO PASSIVE: My sister has drawn this portrait.
    This portrait has been drawn by my sister.
  • FROM ACTIVE TO PASSIVE: I must complete this project!
    The project must be completed by me!
  • I'm not going to the party because I ................. (invite)
    haven't been invited
  • FROM ACTIVE TO PASSIVE: The dog chased the cat.
    The cat was chased by the dog.
  • This concert should …………………………… on TV so that everyone can see it. (show)
    should be shown
  • FROM PASSIVE TO ACTIVE: English is taught to us by Miss Mary.
    Miss Mary teaches us English.
  • The painting Sunflowers …………………………… by van Gogh. (paint)
    was painted
  • FROM PASSIVE TO ACTIVE: A photograph will be taken by Rita.
    Rita will take a photograph.
  • FROM ACTIVE TO PASSIVE: I have just found out that the company hasn't offered me a job
    I have just found out that I haven't been offered a job
  • The workers went out while the office ....................... (clean)
    was being cleaned
  • That TV drama …………………………… by many people every evening. (watch)
    is watched
  • FROM ACTIVE TO PASSIVE: This radio doesn't use batteries. You have to wind it up
    This radio doesn't use batteries. It has to be winded up
  • ... the computer ...................... (use) at the moment?
    Is being used
  • FROM ACTIVE TO PASSIVE: Sam had taken the medicines the day before.
    The medicines had been taken by Sam the day before.
  • How many Hunger Games films …………………………… so far? (make)
    have been made