
Physics Y8 May test

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  • Why do we need to convert mass into weight?
    Weight is mass interaction with gravity, which is the accurate force the mass exerts
  • State the unit to measure forces
    Newtons (N)
  • Name point B on the lever
  • A balloon is squeezed, what happens to the air pressure?
    It increases
  • State the equipment to measure forces
    Newton Meter
  • When a car is accelerating, the thrust is _________ than the drag
    more than
  • The point where the extension of the spring no longer increases proportionally to the weight.
    Elastic limit
  • Describe the speed in this distance time graph
    Stationary, Not moving
  • When a car is slowing down, the thrust is _________ than the drag
    less than
  • When a car is moving at a steady speed, the thrust is _________ to the drag
    equal to
  • What will happen to the box?
    Move to the right
  • Name point A on the lever
  • A box with a cat is 50kg what is the weight of the box in N?
  • Boats float because _____________ are colliding with the bottom of the boat
    water particles
  • Things float because _________ is at least equal to the weight of the object
  • Explain how a balloon maintains its shape.
    Air particles are colliding with the balloon wall
  • Name the principle shown in the diagram above
    Archimedes principle
  • A spring is 2cm long, after hanging a 2N weight, it becomes 3.5cm long. What is the extension of the spring
  • Name of the physics law related to springs
    Hooke's Law
  • A spring is 2cm long, after hanging a 2N weight, it becomes 3.5cm long. How long is the spring if a 4N weight is hung on?
    5cm (2cm+3cm)
  • In a cool morning, the balloon becomes smaller, what happened to the air pressure in the balloon in the cool weather?
  • How far did the car travel in this chart? (distance)
  • What is the weight of the water displaced when the block is fully immersed in water?
  • Name point C on the lever