
Compromises of the US Civil War and Vocabulary

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  • Under the Missouri Compromise which state was added as a SLAVE state?
  • The Kansas-Nebraska Act did away with what compromise passed in 1820?
    Missouri Compromise
  • Identifying with or having loyalty to a region or state instead of the country as a whole
  • Which section of the US had their economy based on manufacturing?
  • The Missouri Compromise line that separated free from slave only applied where?
    In the Louisiana Purchase Territory
  • Under the Missouri Compromise which state was added as a FREE state?
  • What new political party was created as a result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
  • Which Compromise created a harsh Fugitive Slave Act?
    Compromise of 1850
  • In the Compromise of 1850 what happened with slavery in the Utah and New Mexico territories?
    It was to be decided by popular sovereignty
  • What violent event was caused by the Kansas Nebraska Act?
    Bleeding Kansas
  • In the Compromise of 1850 how was the issue of slavery going to be decided in the Utah and New Mexico territories?
    Popular Sovereignty (voting)
  • How did the South feel about tariffs?
    They opposed them
  • In the Compromise of 1850 what  FREE state was added?
  • How did Northerners react to the Kansas Nebraska Act?
    They were UNHAPPY 👿
  • Who won the election of 1860, which caused Southern states to secede?
    Abraham Lincoln
  • What was the Southern economy based on?
  • According to the Kansas-Nebraska Act, how was slavery determined in the Kansas and Nebraska territories?
    by Popular Soveriegnty
  • According to the Missouri Compromise what was the line of latitude that separated free from slave?
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