
Passive voice

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  • Millions of smartphones...(sell) this month.
    have been sold
  • Every summer, the tours ...(organise) for tourists in Trnava.
    are organised
  • Ch.Columbus discovered America in 1492.
    America was discovered in 1492 by C.Columbus.
  • The cathedral ....(build) in the twefth century.
    was built
  • This coffee machine ...(check) every month.
    is checked
  • Tailor Swift will release the new CD next month.
    The new CD will bevreleased next month by T.Swift.
  • The euro.. (not use) in the USA.
    isn't used
  • The old theatre... (close) last year.
    was closed
  • Leonardo Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa.
    The Mona Lisa was painted by L. da Vinci.
  • The hotel rooms ... (clean) every day.
    are cleaned
  • They didn't finish project on time.
    The project wasn't finished on time.
  • Trees ... (plant) 10 years ago and now they're quite tall.
    were planted
  • It ... (not finish) yet.
    hasn't been finished
  • My parents have just bought me a newcomputer.
    A new computer has been just bought.
  • They will test the fire alarm next week.
    The fire alarm will be tested next week.
  • My car ... (repair) next week.
    will be repaired
  • Mr Mrkvicka has invited them for the party.
    They have been invited for the party.