
Pass 1B - After English fair

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  • According to the US, which American President created Area 51?
    President Eisenhower
  • When did the American government collect the wrecks of the spaceship in Area 51?
  • What are the 3 tips of the Bermuda Triangle?
    San Juan, the Bermudas Island, and Miami
  • When was Anne Frank born?
  • What's the first registered case of problems at The Bermuda Triangle?
    when Cristopher Columbus was passing by this place, and his compass started to get into a malfunction.
  • According to Germans: "___________ time means wasted time"
  • Who were the other teachers watching your presentation?
    Marcos and Hendryk
  • About the Bermuda triangle, it was discovered that the soils of this Ocean release ________________ responsible for decreasing the buoyancy of the boats
    methane gas
  • Who public spoke about Area 51 in the 80s?
    Robert Lazar
  • How big is the Bermuda triangle?
    approximate 3.9 million Km2
  • What were the complaints from local residents around Area 51?
    symptoms of serious diseases in the area and the increase in the cancer rate
  • When did five American airplanes mysteriously disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle?
  • Where was the last werewolf killed according to the German folklore?
  • How did Anne Frank die?
    murdered on the gas chambers of a concentration camp
  • What's the name of the German nymph that seduced sailors?