
Leonardo da Vinci

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  • What was the name of the period where Leonardo and others artists lived?
  • Who did he work for in Florence?
    Medici family
  • What is the name of the village Leonardo was he from?
  • When did da Vinci move to Milan?
  • What is the name of the thief that stole the Mona Lisa from the Louvre?
    Vincenzo Peruggia
  • Why was the Mona Lisa removed from the Louvre in 1939
    To protect it from damage or theft during WWII.
  • Where was Mona Lisa sitting when her portrait was being painted?
    On a chair
  • On what surface did Da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa
    Cotton wood panel
  • In which year did he become a master craftsman at the service of the Duke of Milan?
  • What is the Italian name for the Mona Lisa?
    La Gioconda
  • In what year was the Mona Lisa stolen?
  • Where did he move in 1482?
    He moved to Milan
  • What is the name of the technique used by Leonardo for painting the Mona Lisa
    Sfumato technique
  • In what year did he complete "The Last Supper" in Milan?
  • What was the name of his teacher?
    Andrea del Verrocchio
  • Was Leonardo just a painter?
    No, he was also an inventor, and architect, an engineer and a medical doctor....
  • What is Leonardo's most famous painting?
    Mona Lisa
  • How many bodies did da Vinci dissect?
    Around 30
  • Name 3 of Leonardo's inventions
    Glider, helicopter, tank, flying machine...
  • When did Leonardo move to France?
    He moved in 1516
  • What was the name of the first family from Florence he worked for?
  • What date did Leonardo da Vinci die?
    2nd May, 1519
  • What age was Leonardo when Verrocchio asked him to paint one of the angels in 'The Baptism of Christ'?
    Around 20 years old
  • Where is the Mona Lisa hanging now?
    The Louvre in Paris
  • Where did Leonardo get his name, da Vinci, from?
    The town where he was from
  • What age was he when he bacame an apprentice for Andrea del Verrocchio in Florence?
  • What date was Leonardo da Vinci born?
    On April 15th, 1452.
  • Around when did da Vinci begin to work on the Mona Lisa?
    The early 1500's, 1507 ca.