
Animals & Pets

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  • Tell me something about a hamster.
  • Would you like to work in a pet adoption centre? Why / Why not?
  • How can we take care of our pets?
  • Is a "dinosaur zoo" a good idea?
  • Where do we put fish?
    We put them in an aquarium.
  • Do you prefer cats or dogs? Why?
  • What animals are you afraid of?
  • Tell me an interesting fact about a parrot.
  • What is it? What pet's can we find here?
    It's a pond. We can find fish here.
  • In your opinion, which animal is the cutest?
  • What is it ? What pets go in here?
    It's a cage. Birds go in a cage.
  • What is the most unusual pet or animal you have ever seen?
  • If you could be any animal, which animal would you like to be? Why?
  • In your opinion, which animal is the smartest?
  • Which wild animal would you most like to see?
  • Flying like a bird or swimming like a whale - Which is better?
  • Talk about a pet you had before or a pet you would like to have in the future.
  • Have you ever ridden a horse? Talk about it.
  • Do cats like to sleep in boxes?
    Yes, they do.
  • Would you like to work in a zoo? Why / Why not?
  • Tell me something about an aquarium.
  • What is it ?
    It's a dog house.
  • What pet goes here?
    Hamster or guinea pig.
  • Why are animals or pets important?
  • Where does a dog sleep?
    Some sleep in a dog house, on the couch or in the bed.
  • Tell me something about a terririum.
  • If a cat is sick - what should we do?
    Take him to the vet.
  • Have you ever been to a zoo? What animals did you see there? Talk about it.
  • Would you like to keep a pig as a pet? Why or why not?
  • What can you tell me about a rabbit?
  • What is the best animal to keep as a pet? Why?