
Comparative - long and short adjectives

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  • jellyfish - dolphin - safe
  • going to Żabka - going to Lewiatan - good
  • seal - whale - big
  • pizza - sushi - delicious
  • summer - autumn - wet
  • the USA - China - big
  • teacher - student - tall
  • crab - starfish - small
  • Africa - Europe - dry
  • Flash - Superman - fast
  • flower - tree - pretty
  • parrot - crocodile - colourful
  • dog - cat - intelligent
  • turtle - squid - slow
  • snake - the time I do my homework - long
  • mouse - bird - quiet
  • Netflix - TikTok - interesting
  • riding a bike - walking in the forest - dangerous
  • Eiffel Tower - our school - high
  • my room - my parents' room - messy
  • English - Polish - difficult
  • tigers - elephants - dangerous
  • Poland - Mexico - hot
  • going to WOW - going to school - funny
  • my Maths teacher - my PE teacher - friendly
  • Antarctica - Russia - cold
  • sea - mountains - beautiful
  • going to school - sleeping - exciting
  • reading books - watching films - boring