
Two Answers - Choose Wisely!

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  • What city is home to the United Nations headquarters: Reno or New York City?
    New York City. The United Nations is a group that works to promote peace among nations.
  • What style of bridge opens to let ships safely pass: a walking bridge or a drawbridge?
    Drawbridge. The earliest drawbridges were built for medieval castles with moats.
  • What do we call the powerful tropical storm that is known to start out on the water and build strength before traveling onto land: a blizzard or a hurricane?
    A hurricane. Wind, temperature, and moisture are all factors in creating hurricanes. In the United States, they are most common from mid-August through October.
  • How many sides are on a stop sign: three or eight?
    Eight. The first stop signs were black and white. They were designed for cyclists.
  • Which of the following did Vincent van Gogh paint: The Last Supper or The Starry Night?
    The Starry Night. The Starry Night is an oil-on-canvas painting that Van Gogh painted in June of 1889. Leonardo da Vinci painted The Last Supper.
  • What kind of music did Beethoven write: jazz or classical?
    Classical. Beethoven was a German composer and pianist. His work spans both the Classical and Romantic periods.
  • Who was the first woman to make a solo flight across the Atlantic Ocean: Mae West or Amelia Earhart?
    Amelia Earhart. She set many aviation records before going missing during an attempt to fly around the world.
  • Romaine, iceberg, Boston, and Bibb are all types of what: corn or lettuce?
    Lettuce. Fun fact: Lettuce is an annual plant and part of the daisy family.
  • What is the smallest planet in our solar system: Saturn or Mercury?
    Mercury. It is also the closest to the sun and able to complete its orbit in 88 days.
  • What comedienne married Desi Arnaz: Ethel Merman or Lucille Ball?
    Lucille Ball. Arnaz and Ball starred as husband and wife in the popular television show I Love Lucy, from 1951 to 1957.
  • What type of shoes does a ballerina wear: boots or ballet slippers?
    Ballet slippers. There are several types of ballet slippers, from full sole options that provide beginners with extra stability to pointe shoes for advanced d
  • What famous baseball player married Marilyn Monroe in 1954: Lou Gehrig or Joe DiMaggio?
    Joe DiMaggio. It was a second marriage for both parties. The union only lasted nine months before they divorced.
  • What is the smallest country in the world: Brazil or Vatican City?
    Vatican City. Vatican City is the headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church and home to the pope. It is bordered on all sides by Rome, Italy.
  • How many wheels does a unicycle have: three or one?
    One. The first unicycle was patented in the late 1800s.
  • What type of clock stands six feet tall or higher: a cuckoo clock or a grandfather clock?
    A grandfather clock. Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens invented the first pendulum clock in 1656. Longer pendulums kept time better leading to the tall design.
  • Whose job is it to give someone a perm or cut their bangs: a carpenter or a hairdresser?
    A hairdresser. Bangs are the strands of hair that fall over the forehead and can be cut to various lengths. In England, they are sometimes called fringe.
  • What is the main product of Colgate and Crest: frozen dinners or toothpaste?
    Toothpaste. The Egyptians were the first civilization believed to use a toothpaste-like mixture to brush their teeth. Its main ingredient was crushed rock salt.
  • What coffee brand’s slogan is “Good to the last drop”: Starbucks or Maxwell House?
    Maxwell House. Maxwell House coffee first used this advertising slogan in the year 1915.
  • What type of water do alligators live in: salt water or fresh water?
    Fresh water. Alligators can be found in swamps, rivers, and lakes.
  • The two measurements for temperature are Fahrenheit and what: barometric or Celsius?
    Celsius. The Celsius scale for measuring temperature is used by most of the world; however, it wasn’t adopted until 1948.
  • What is the third color on a traffic light after red and yellow: purple or green?
    Green. The world’s first traffic light was installed in 1868 in London, England.
  • What popular hairstyle was named after a honey-making insect’s home: the bob or the beehive?
    The beehive. The beehive was a popular hairstyle during the 1960s in Chicago.
  • Which animal in the marsupial family has a pouch to carry their young: a lion or a kangaroo?
    A kangaroo. Baby kangaroos remain in their mothers’ pouches about 235 days before leaving the pouch for good.
  • How many years are between summer Olympic games (typically): seven years or four years?
    Four years. Gymnastics, track and field, and swimming are considered the three most popular sports to watch during the summer Olympic games.