
Summer of the Monkeys Chapter 8 Review

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  • How long did Rowdy put up with Daisy's nursing?
    one day
  • What did Daisy say she was afraid that the monkeys had that would make Jay Berry sick?
  • What did the trainer say that Jay Berry should try to do with the chimpanzee?
    Make friends with him
  • What did Grandpa want to show Jay Berry when he saw Jay Berry at the store?
    a letter from an animal trainer
  • What was Mama holding when Daisy called her to come to see what had happened to Jay Berry and Rowdy
    a potato
  • What are the names of Jay Berry's dad's two mules?
    Fred and George
  • Where did the animal trainer work?
    the circus
  • What does Mama and Daisy use to bring Rowdy into her Jay Berry's room
    a wheelbarrow
  • How long did Jay Berry stay in bed recovering from the monkey bites?
    three days
  • Where does Daisy threaten to chain Jay Berry and Rowdy up if they had hydrophobia
    to a fence post
  • What should Jay Berry do to try to make friends with Jimbo?
    offer him an apple and call him by his name
  • How did Rowdy get out of the house and away from Daisy?
    He hopped out of the window
  • What does Mama and Daisy put on the monkey bites to prevent infection?
    peroxide and iodine
  • What does Daisy do to test to see if Jay Berry has hydrophobia?
    Brings him glass after glass of water
  • What did the animal trainer say was the hundred dollar monkey's name?
  • Where did Rowdy hide from Daisy and the monkeys?
    under the ouse
  • Who did the animal trainer say that Jimbo especially likes?
  • It is Daisy's dream to be what kind of nurse?
    A Red Cross nurse
  • What did Grandpa say you had to do so that animals don't take advantage of you
    Let them know who's boss
  • When Jay Berry and Rowdy came home after the monkey fight, Daisy said that it looked like they had "been run through a __________ ___________"
    brier patch
  • What color do the eyes of the animals with hydrophobia change to?
    "green as cucumbers"