
The Criminal Mind

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  • Which type of SERIAL KILLER believes that a person or entity is commanding him to kill? Most likely suffering from psychosis.
  • What type of MASS MURDERER kills others as directed by a cult leader?
    Disciple Murderer
  • What type of MASS MURDERER is a cult leader that persuades others to kill?
    Ideological Mass Murderer
  • What was this SERIAL KILLER's motive? Dennis Rader killed 10 people over 15 years. He sent taunting letters to police and newspapers “How many people do I have to kill before I get a name in the paper or some national attention?"
    Attention seeking / Thrill
  • What was this SERIAL KILLER's motive? "Todd Kholhepp killed 7 people in 3 separate occasions. He was described as a person who could only express anger."
  • List 2 of the 4 most common motives of SERIAL KILLERS.
    Anger, thrill, financial gain, or attention seeking.
  • List 2 of the 4 most common motives of MASS MURDERERS.
    Revenge, despair, rage, or psychological / material gain.
  • List 3 brain abnormalities that could contribute to an increased risk of violent behavior.
    Suffer from psychopathy, or antisocial personality disorders, brain tumors, degenerative disease, schizophrenia, poor mental health, etc.
  • What was this SERIAL KILLER's motive? "Dorothea Puente ran a boarding house for the elderly. She killed 9 people and collected their social security checks."
    Financial Gain
  • What was this SERIAL KILLER's motive? "The Zodiac Killer killed 7 people and taunted the public by sending coded messages to newspapers. "Killing people is so much fun. To kill gives me the most thrilling experience."
    Thrill / Attention seeking
  • Which type of SERIAL KILLER Commits his acts for his own personal pleasure? For example, rape, torture or money.
    Thrill Seekers / Hedonistic Killers
  • What type of MASS MURDERER plans an escape route? (i.e. they use a time bomb)
    Set and Run Killer
  • List 3 of the 6 most shared traits among SERIAL KILLERS.
    Suffer from personality disorders, sensation seeking, impulsivity, lack of remorse, need for control, & predatory behavior.
  • What type of MASS MURDERER kills their whole family?
    Family Annihilator
  • Which type of SERIAL KILLER fantasizes about having power and seeks to dominate and control his victims?
    Power / Control Seekers
  • List 2 of the shared traits among MASS MURDERERS
    Crisis, childhood trauma, seeking validation, radicalization
  • What is a mass murderer?
    Someone who murders 4 or more people with no “cooling-off” period between murders
  • Which type of SERIAL KILLER kills in order to “rid” society of a certain group?
  • What type of MASS MURDERER kills at their current or former workplace as a form of revenge?
    Disgruntled employee
  • What is a serial killer?
    Someone who murders 3 or more people with a cool down period between the murders
  • What type of MASS MURDERER kills in public in the daytime and plans to be killed in the incident?
    Pseudo commando