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  • happy
    happier the happiest
  • weak
    weaker the weakest
  • big
    bigger the biggest
  • warm
    warmer the warmest
  • friendly
    friendlier the friendliest
  • hot
    hotter the hottest
  • wet
    wetter the wettest
  • slow
    slower the slowest
  • dom A jest większy niż dom B
    House A is bigger than house B
  • beautiful
    more beautiful the most beautiful
  • funny
    funnier the funniest
  • Tom jest wyższy niż Jenny
    Tom is taller than Jenny
  • nice
    nicer the nicest
  • good
    better the best
  • old
    older the oldest
  • much/many
    more the most
  • ugly
    uglier the ugliest
  • John jest najwyższy z klasy
    John is the tallest in the class
  • dangerous
    more dangerous the most dangerous
  • small
    smaller the smallest
  • fat
    fatter the fattest
  • amazing
    more amazing the most amazing
  • colourful
    more colourful the most colourful
  • long
    longer the longest
  • big
    bigger the biggest
  • great
    greater the greatest
  • strong
    stronger the strongest
  • bad
    worse the worst
  • attractive
    more attractive the most attractive
  • Alice jest niższa niż Anna
    Alice is shorter than Anna
  • short
    shorter the shortest