
Revision Present progressive & Present simple

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  • Water ................... at 100'Celsius. (boil)
  • Look! The baby ................. the chair. (Climb)
    is climbing
  • ............ you ............... your name with one "R" or two? (spell)
    Do, spell
  • Prices ................... up very fast these days (go)
    are going
  • What ............... you ............? I am not going to tell you. (read)
    Are, reading
  • Can I turn off the radio? You ............n't ................ to it. (listen)
    are listening
  • I feel my health ......................... better very slowly. (get)
    is getting
  • What ......... you ......... to now? (Listen)
    are, listening
  • He ............. an egg every morning. (eat)
  • Is Steven here? No, He ................... (swim)
    is swimming
  • She ................ shopping every month (go)
  • ......... you ........... ice cream? Yes, I ........... it. (like, love)
    Do, like, love
  • .............. you often................. your hair? Yes, twice or three times a week. (wash)
    do, wash
  • Can you come and see me tomorrow? Sorry, I ........ (work)
    am working