
Review of 4th Grade Science Vocabulary

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  • Animals can get a lot of information from their environment by smelling, hearing, seeing, touching, and tasting. What are these called?
  • What is the form of energy that is transferred through wire?
    Electrical Energy
  • how big or loud a wave is
  • In a science investigation what is the word for something that can change in the investigation?
  • What do your eyes allow you to do?
    They take in light and allow you to get information about the world around you.
  • Describe how thermal energy might affect an ice cream cone.
    The ice cream cone would melt!
  • What are the parts of this simple electrical system?
    solar panel (source converter), wires, and fan (electrical device)
  • What has to happen for the human to see the apple?
    Light has to shine on the apple and light has to reflect off the apple and into the human eye.
  • to move back and forth quickly
  • Why is this bulb not lit?
    The bulb is not lit because there is an open circuit. You can make the bulb light by adding a switch and putting it in the closed position.
  • the ability to see
  • What forms of energy do a hair dryer and clothes iron have in common?
    Both have electrical energy that is converted to thermal or heat energy
  • a scientist who studies the processes and materials that form the solid part of Earth
  • Solar energy comes from the...
  • Which bulbs will light when the switch is closed?
    None of the bulbs will light because the circuit will still be open between bulb 2 and 3.
  • a clue about life from the past that is preserved in rock
  • Animals have different ______________that allow them to get information from their environment, which helps them survive.
  • Sound energy travels as a _____________
  • a type of rock formed from sediment that compacts and cements over time
    sedimentary rock
  • what word means to cause light to bounce off a material?
  • Which form of energy does it produce?
  • Name at least two forms of energy.
    Light, motion, sound, and thermal
  • What forms of energy are given off by a lit light bulb?
    heat and light
  • when rock, soil, or sand is worn down and moved from one place to another by water, wind, or ice