
OST Review

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  • What two characteristics make a fossil an index fossil?
    existed for a short time; existed in a widespread area
  • This pedigree represents the inheritance of hemophilia in this family. How many of the females have the hemophilia trait?
  • Explain 2 differences between Mitosis and Meiosis.
    Mitosis = identifical offspring, body cell division, 2 cells produced;  Meiosis = sex cell division, nonidentical offspring; 4 cells produced
  • Explain a difference between a P and S Wave.
    P Waves = faster, can go through any layer, longitudinal wave. S Waves = slower, can only go through solids, transverse wave.
  • What are the genotypes for male and female
    male = XY; female = XX
  • Give an advantage of Asexual and Sexual Reproduction.
    Asexual = faster;  Sexual = allows for genetic variation
  • The Rocky Mountains are high and jagged. The Appalachian Mountains are lower and rounded. What can you infer about their ages?
    Appalachian Mountains (been around longer to be weathered).
  • S is the Focus of the earthquake and N is the epicenter. X and Z are seismograph stations. Which of the following sets of seismogram readings are correct for the picture?
  • In which layer of earth are there convection currents?
    mantle (aesthenosphere)
  • On a pedigree chart, which symbols represent a male and female?
    Square = male;  Circle = Female
  • Which line could travel to Earth's core? What kind of wave is this?
    Line B / P-Wave
  • Draw and label a free-body diagram that would accelerate to the right. (vectors!!!)
    (vector needs to indicate acceleration to the right)
  • Which force breaks or wears away the Earth?
  • Alfred Wegner developed the idea of Continental drift based on three types of evidence.  Name two of them.
    Landform evidence (puzzle pieces); climate evidence; fossil evidence
  • What happens when continental crust and oceanic crust converge? What is it called?
    Oceanic crust is pushed down; Subduction
  • What did Charles Darwin call the idea that organisms with helpful traits will survive long enough to reproduce and pass on those traits?
    Natural Selection
  • On your whiteboard, draw a time-distance graph that fits the following scenario: I sprinted to 2nd period, but then I tripped and fell. I picked myself back up and sprinted again.
    increase - flat or lower slope - increase in slope
  • Push, Pull, Gravity, Friction - Which is a non-contact force?
  • Which type of force causes tension?  Which type of force causes compression?
    tension - divergent;  compression - convergent
  • Refer to the pedigree. How could person ll-2 and ll-3 have a baby with the hemophilia trait when neither of them show the trait
    They are carriers of the hemophilia trait (heterozygous)
  • What phenotype of the offspring have brown hair? Blonde hair?  (A-Brown hair; a-blond hair)
    75% Brown Hair and 25% Blonde Hair
  • How are individuals I-2 and III-5 related?
    grandma and grandson
  • What is the magnitude of letter E?
    300 N
  • What do we call all of the evidence of living things that is stored inside the Earth?
    fossil record
  • What structure that is causing the Atlantic ocean to grow was discovered by Harry Hess during World War II?
    mid ocean ridge
  • With your team, come up with a short story that represents the slope of this distance-time graph.
    constant speed - rest - constant speed
  • List the layers of the Earth in order from the outside in.
    crust - mantle - outer core - inner core
  • What do we call the force that surfaces exert to prevent solid objects from passing through each other?
    Normal force