
Noah's Ark

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  • What type of bird did Noah send out of the ark? a dove, a pigeon or a hummingbird
    a dove
  • What were on the ark with Noah and his family?
  • What did Noah and his family do after they left the ark? they went to church, they read their Bible or they prayed and thanked God for saving them
    They prayed and thanked God for saving them.
  • What did God promise Noah? Choices: That he would never ask him to build an ark again. That he would never destroy the Earth with fire again. That he would never destroy the Earth with a flood again.
    God promised that he would never destroy the Earth with a flood again.
  • God made a covenant with Noah. What is another word for covenant? ark, bet, or promise
  • Who built the ark?
  • God used a ________________________ in the sky to seal his promise. What did he use to seal his promise?
    a rainbow
  • Why did God send the flood? Choices: There was no water on the Earth. The people were very sinful. Everyone obeyed him.
    The people were very sinful.
  • What did God send to destroy the Earth?
    a flood
  • Did Noah obey God?
  • How many days did the rain last? 20 days, 40 days or 60 days
    40 days