
Leaders 1 English

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  • Who was Bast? (Devine Felines)
    A playful goddess who protected women, children, and cats. The goddess of the household.
  • Vocab! : (n) A god or goddess.
  • Vocab! (n) the existence of someone or something in a place
  • Vocab! (adj) extremely hot or humid
  • Make your own example of an alliteration.
    Example: Sweltering, stifling, summer sun. (Words that all begin with the same letter)
  • In The Crow and the Pitcher, how did Crow use his intelligence to quench his thirst?
    He dropped stones into the pitcher to make the water rise.
  • In Call of the Wild, why did Buck hate Spitz?
    Spitz killed Curly
  • In Call of the Wild, who was Buck's first tormentor?
    The man in the red sweater.
  • Who was Sekhmet? (Devine Felines)
    Protector of the pharaohs. Goddess of war and destruction!
  • According to Devine Felines, what did ancient Egyptians do when their family cat died?
    They shaved their eyebrows as a sign of mourning.
  • What lesson did Aesop want you to learn from The Crow and the Pitcher?
    Necessity is the mother of invention. (Or: Use your brain to figure things out when you need something.)
  • Vocab! (adj) physically and mentally tired because of hard work.
  • In The Crow and the Pitcher, where did Crow find the water in the pitcher?
    An orchard
  • In The Crow and the Pitcher, what is Crow looking for at the beginning of the fable?
  • In Call of the Wild, how did the inexperienced Americans think they would make the dogs go faster?
    Feed them less and beat them more
  • According to Devine Felines, how did the ancient Persians defeat the Egyptians at the Battle of Pelusium?
    The Persians painted cats on their shields and held cats in their arms.
  • Name three ways Buck from Call of the Wild becomes more wolf-like.
    Howls at the moon, becomes cunning, takes down humans like deer, sleeps under the snow, roams the wilderness, has to fight to stay alive.
  • According to Devine Felines; what happened to ancient Egyptians who dared kill a cat?
    You were killed too!
  • According to Devine Felines, how did cats help the ancient Egyptians?
    They chased away or ate vermin that would eat their crops.
  • Vocab! Words written on or cut into something
  • In Call of the Wild, how does Buck finally get an owner that cares for him?
    Buck chooses not to go on the ice and Thornton protects him by taking the knife and cutting him loose.
  • Vocab! (n) a strong feeling of being worried, disappointed, or upset.
  • Vocab! (n) the need or desire for goods or services.
  • Vocab! (v) to express strong disapproval of someone or something.