
FL10 revision

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  • I have a grave problem. We need to hold an emergency meeting.
  • A: What shall we have for dinner? B: ____ you want.
  • We competed in a race to ____ money for Oxfam
  • There is a lot of background noise. I couldn't make/mark out anything you said.
  • I ____ already ____ the dinner when he called me to say he was going to be late.
    had cooked
  • Complete this sentence with nevertheless, despite, in spite. Competition was tough last year. ________, our sales increased.
    Nevertheless, despite this, in spite of this
  • To reach the main important idea. Get to the ____
  • If I won the lottery I would buy a beach house. If I ____ afford it, I would buy a beach house
  • A: Where shall we go for dinner? B: ____ you want.
  • Make a sentence with prefer and rather
    prefer + gerund/inf would rather + base verb
  • An expression which means the opportunity is no longer there
    That ship has sailed
  • When a company has no money they might ___ _____
    go bankrupt
  • When do we use past simple, past continuous, past perfect?
  • We ______ (try) to open the door for five minutes when Jane found her key.
    had been trying
  • You don't look well. I advise ______ to the doctor's.
    you to go
  • I still haven't invited anyone to my party. Not ___ my best friend.
  • A phrasal verb which means something is finishing e.g. petrol, time
    run out of
  • Correct this question - A: How does your mum like? B: She is short and has glasses.
    What does your mum look like?