
Directions, places in town

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  • Bolnica je pored parka
    The hospital is next to the park
  • Prodavnica je južno od biblioteke
    The supermarket is south of the library
  • Muzej je preko puta parka
    The museum is opposite the park
  • Prodavnica slatkiša je pored knjižare
    The sweet shop is next to the bookstore
  • Biblioteka je preko puta muzeja
    The library is opposite the park
  • The hospital is opposite the hotel
    Bolnica je preko puta hotela
  • Muzej je severno od pošte
    The museum is north of the post office
  • Crkva je preko puta muzeja
    The church is opposite the museum.
  • Biblioteka je pored knjizare
    The library is next to the the bookshop
  • Bazen je pored hotela
    The pool is next to the hotel