
Beyond B2 Unit 10 - Inversion

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  • Only then did I understand ...
  • Had I not been busy this morning, I ...
  • Rarely has someone ...
  • Had he understood the problem, he wouldn't ...
  • Rarely will you hear ...
  • So difficult has science became that ...
  • Rarely do Witek see ...
  • Seldom has anyone seen ...
  • So difficult is the test that ...
  • So expensive was the ticket that ...
  • Not only was Michael tired, but also ...
  • Never have I understood less about ...
  • Hardly had Ania sat down when ...
  • Little do people realise how hard it is ...
  • No sooner had Janek finished dinner, when ...
  • Never had they seen so many ...
  • No sooner had I started vacation than ...
  • Not only did they arrive late but ...