
CME 2 L6 Words

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  • māo - cat
  • 尾巴
    wěi ba - tail
  • 又...又...
    yòu...yòu... - both...and...
  • yǎng - to raise
  • 所以
    suǒ yǐ - so, therefore
  • 活泼
    huó pō - lively
  • guò - indicates past tense
  • 有点儿
    yǒudiǎnr • somewhat; rather; a bit
  • wèi - for
  • 可爱
    kě ài - cute
  • 身上
  • 灰白色
    huī bái sè - greyish white
  • 差不多
    chà bu duō - almost, nearly, just about right
  • zhī - measure word for animals
  • wán - to play
  • 时间
    shíjiān - time
  • 好动
    hào dòng - active
  • 如果
    rúguǒ - if; in case (of); in the event of
  • 非常
    fēicháng - extremely
  • wèi - to feed
  • zhǐ - only
  • 它们
    tā men - they (for inanimate objects)
  • 宠物
    chǒngwù - pet
  • 散步
    sàn bù - to take a walk
  • 聪明
    cōng ming - intelligent, clever, smart
  • máo - hair
  • 诊所
    zhěnsuŏ-medical clinic
  • 因为
    yīnwèi - because
  • 洗澡
    xǐ zǎo - to take a bath, shower
  • chǎo - noisy
  • 东西
    dōng xi - things, stuff
  • 小时候
    xiǎo shí hou-in one's childhood