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  • I am not here to see you, __________?
    am I
  • I suppose he didn’t call her, __________?
    did he
  • These are ripe mangoes, __________?
    aren't they
  • There is a table in that small room, __________?
    isn't there
  • Bianca doesn’t like parties, __________?
    does she
  • Don’t snap at your brother, __________?
    will you
  • There are only ten questions in this examination, __________?
    aren't there
  • They made us work hard, __________?
    didn't they
  • They prefer swimming in the sea, __________?
    don't they
  • No one could break the door, __________?
    could they
  • You’d done your homework, __________?
    hadn't you
  • You needn’t come back soon, __________?
    need you
  • Let’s pretend we are not here, __________?
    shall we
  • I’m tired and hungry, __________?
    aren't I
  • Kindly lend me some money, __________?
    will you
  • His mother scolded him last night, __________?
    didn't she
  • He’s already gone out, __________?
    hasn't he
  • Her father printed the letter himself, __________?
    didn't he
  • Your name is Alfred, __________?
    isn't it
  • The sheep ran away themselves, __________?
    didn't they
  • Let them do what they like, __________?
    will you
  • There have been problems with this machine lately, __________?
    haven't there
  • Come back soon, __________?
    will you
  • Ann’s brother applied for the job, __________?
    didn't he
  • Mr. Raymond is a wealthy man, __________?
    isn't he
  • Let him read the text, __________?
    will you
  • I’m here, __________?
    aren't I
  • It will rain, __________?
    won't it
  • He forgot to bring his notebooks, __________?
    didn't he
  • Tomorrow is Thursday, __________?
    isn't it
  • Helen stops talking whenever Celine walks to her, __________?
    doesn't she
  • No one can reach the sun, __________?
    can they
  • She feels embarrassed, __________?
    doesn't she
  • Come and see me tomorrow, __________?
    will you
  • I’d rather stay here, __________?
    wouldn't I
  • You didn’t answer my invitation, __________?
    did you
  • Let’s go to the cinema, __________?
    shall we
  • He lives here, __________?
    doesn't he
  • Boys, wash your hands, __________?
    will you
  • We have a cow, __________?
    don't we