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  • 13. Don't worry. I (finish) the report by 10 o'clock.
    will finish
  • 20. she (attend) seven different schools after her parents moved to another city
    had attended
  • 10. "What you (do) at the moment, Ann?" ---- "I (pack)
    are you doing; am packing
  • 3. When we came in, they (prepare) the meal for us.
    were preparing
  • 9. We (be) a few minutes late, so the film (start)
    were; had started
  • 8. When I (look) at my suitcase, I could see that somebody (try) to open it.
    looked; had tried
  • 16. Whenever I travel abroad, I (forget) something I need.
  • 19. Hurry up or the film (be) over before we (get) home.
    will have been/ get
  • I currently (study) ....... Math major
    am studying
  • 10.  I (work) for hours and I'm very tired.
    have worked
  • 15. Yesterday, when I (see) Tom he (sit) in a corner with a book.
    saw; was sitting
  • 5. by this time next week, we (live) in USA for 5 years
    will have lived
  • 17. Hurry up or you (be) late for class.
    will be
  • 11. Since I left Venezuela six years ago, I (return) to visit friends and family several times.
    have returned
  • 4. There (be) many changes in our village in the past few year.
    have been
  • 8. As soon as my parents come, we [go] out for dinner.
    will go hoặc are going
  • 5. Think carefully. I'm sure you (remember) his name.
    will remember
  • 2. We (be) in this class for 4 years next September.
    will have been
  • 12. When my parents (arrive) for a visit tomorrow, they will see our baby for the first time.
  • 20. Before I (start) the car, all passengers had buckled their seat belts.
  • 14. He (have) a bad fall while he (repair) the roof.
    had; was repairing
  • 18. By next summer, she (finish) her 3rd novel.
    will have finished
  • 1. Last night, we (watch) television when the power (fail).
    were watching; failed
  • 17. Susan (wait) for you at the station
    is waiting
  • I. I just (see) her recently
    have seen
  • 11. I think she is the nicest person I (meet).
    have met
  • 6. He (work) on the report tomorrow.
    will work
  • 19. This is the first time we (see) the Statue of Liberty.
    have seen
  • 18. He (be) to the theater three times this month.
    has been
  • 12. He [come] into the room after he (stand) outside for a moment.
    came; had stood
  • 4. He (do) the experiment when the light (go) out.
    was doing; went
  • 15. "I [go] out to buy a morning newspaper." "But it (rain) now.
    will go/ is raining
  • 7. Go on the next test as soon as you (finish) this one.
    have finished
  • 16. James (weed) while Alex (cut) the grass in the garden  yesterday.
    was weeding; was cutting
  • 7. They (build) that bridge when I (be) there last year
    were building; was
  • 3. By the end of this week I (read) 200 pages of my new novel.
    will have read
  • 13. After the telephone (buzz) for a minute, the doctor (answer) it.
    had buzzed; answered
  • 2. I (do) my homework when my mother (send) me a letter
    was doing; sent
  • 14. I'll return Bob's pen to him next time I (see) him.