
Root words: hydro, astro, luna, aqua

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  • What root is in the word LUNARIAN and what does the word mean?
    luna, an astronomer concerned with the moon
  • What does the root AQUA mean?
  • What is the root in CIRCUMLUNAR and what does the word mean?
    luna, revolving around or surrounding the moon
  • What does the root ASTRO mean?
  • What does the root HYDRO mean?
  • What is the root in HYDROPHOBIA and what does the word mean?
    hydro, fear of water
  • What is the root in ASTROBIOLOGY and what does the word mean?
    astro, bio, logy: The study of life in space
  • what is the root in DEHYDRATION and what does the word mean?
    hydro, when the body loses too much water
  • What is the root in HYDROTHERAPY and what does the word mean?
    Hydro, using water as therapy
  • What root is in the word SUBLUNAR and what does it mean?
    luna, beneath the moon, of this world, earthly
  • What is the root AQUATIC and what does the word mean?
    Aqua, relating to water
  • What is the root in AQUACULTURE and what does it mean?
    water, raising water animals or plants for food.
  • What is the root in ASTRONAUT and what does the word mean?
    astro, a person trained for traveling in space.
  • What is the root in AQUARIUM and what does it mean?
    aqua, small tank that houses water animals
  • What is the root in HYDROELECTRIC and what does the word mean?
    hydro, making electricity using water
  • what is the root in LUNAR and what does the word mean?
    Luna, relating to the moon
  • What is the root in ASTRONOMY and what does the word mean?
    astro: the study of everything in the universe beyond Earth.
  • WHat is the root in HYDROPONIC and what does the word mean?
    hydro, growing plants in a water solution without soil
  • What does the root LUNA mean?