
Conditionals and English

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  • We would have gone to the wedding...
    Answer with past perfect verb
  • How do you say this in British and American English?
    Br: Underground. Am: Subway
  • He would have helped me if he ...................................... (have) more time.
    He would have helped me if he had had more time.
  • shown / have / wouldn't / me / the / you / stain / hadn't / if / noticed. I...
    I wouldn't have noticed the stain if you hadn't shown me.
  • If you don't lock your bike, it will get stolen.
  • If the baby cries all night, we won't sleep well.
  • I will feel sick if I eat the whole pizza.
  • If I ...................................... (be) a chef, I would shout at everybody in the kitchen.
    If I were a chef, I would shout at everybody in the kitchen.
  • Trolley-Shopping Cart, Faucet-Tap, Brackets-Parenthesis, Wardrobe-Closet
  • She ...................................... (tell) him the answer if he had asked.
    She would have told him the answer if he had asked.
  • If I got a puppy for my birthday....
    Answer with "would + infinitive"
  • Boot-Trunk, Pavement-Sidewalk, Bill-Check, Sweets-Candy
  • What is another way to say "rubber" in English? Which one is British?
    Eraser. Rubber is British.
  • How do you say this in British and American English?
    Br: Jumper. Am: Sweater
  • You would be an excellent painter if you ...................................... (practice) more.
    You would be an excellent painter if you practiced more.
  • How do you say this in British and American English?
    Br: Aubergine. Am: Eggplant
  • How do you say this in British and American English?
    Br: Trousers. Am: Pants
  • What is another way to say "garden" in English? Which one is British?
    Yard. Garden is British.
  • What is another way to say "garbage" in English? Which one is British?
    Rubbish. Rubbish is British.