
Social Town

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  • What would someone not socially wondering about others be thinking about?
  • When should you stop and think about making good choices?
    when u are with other people
  • How does it make people feel when you jump off topic?
    confused or frustrated
  • What makes people worry?
    something that sounds really scary
  • When/where is it wrong to use humor?
    in the middle of a school project, detention
  • How can you find out about other people when you are having a conversation?
    ask them about themselfs
  • How can you invade other people's space?
    go into a persons bubble
  • What does it mean to be flexible?
    to compromise with other people, to be okay with changes to group plans, to let it go sometimes
  • How can you stay calm?
    takeing deep breaths, counting 1-10, or resting our heads