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  • what can teacher robots do?
    build space stations on the Moon
    clean the house and iron clothes
    help children study, improve children's pronunciation
    put toys away
  • what does the word " improve" mean?
    di chuyển
    chăm sóc
    lau dọn
    cải thiện
  • what does " planet " mean?
    không gian
    hành tinh
    vũ trụ
    mặt trời
  • what can home robots do?
    take care of sick people
    cook meals, clean the house, do the washing, and iron clothe
    move heavy things and build houses
    teach Maths, literature, English and other subjects
  • what does " look after" mean?
    phát triển
    cải thiện
    dọn dẹp
    chăm sóc
  • what does " space station" mean?
    hành tinh
    triển lãm
    trạm vũ trụ
    cải thiện
  • what can space robots do?
    iron clothes
    build space stations on the Moon and other planets
    improve children's pronunciation
    move heavy things