
Future Tenses (present simple/continuous, will,  ...

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  • __________ (you/come) to the party? Is going to be fun! (Plan)
    Are you going to
  • A) I can't understand this! B) Don't worry, I __________ (help) you.
    will help
  • Hurry up! The subway _________ (leave) at quarter to ten!
  • Anthony hasn't studied for his exam. He _____________ (not/pass) his test, I'm afraid.
    isn't going to pass
  • At 5pm, I __________ (meet) with my girlfriend.
    I am meeting
  • A) _______ I __________ (close) the window for you? B) Yes, please.
    Shall / close
  • Is freezing tonight! I'm sure __________ (snow) tomorrow.
    it'll snow
  • I'm ____________ (be) a doctor when I grow up!
    going to be
  • She ____________ (see) her friends in the summer.
    's going to see
  • It's cold suddenly. I_____________ (turn on) the heating.
    'll turn on
  • The plane ________ (arrive) at quarter past ten.
  • _______ we go to the theatre later? (Suggestion)
  • Do you think cars _____________ fly in the future?
  • I _____________ (play) basquetball tomorrow. (Plan)
    am playing
  • Hurry up! The train _________ (leave) at 5:30. We mustn't be late.
  • ________ the movie ________ (start) at 9pm?
    Does the movie start
  • I guess it ________ (rain) later. Is just a hunch.
    will rain
  • He ____________ (see) a movie tomorrow night.
    is seeing
  • I promise I _________ (not/lose) your pendrive.
    won't lose
  • I ______________ (order) pizza on Sunday with my friends at my party.
    'm going to order